Through the utilization of big data across hundreds of habitats and thousands of species, my work provides a broad synthesis to understanding species' rarity. Specifically, through simultaneous consideration of geographic, functional trait-based, and phylogenetic factors, my work is used to inform rare species conservation, as well as uncover evolutionary patterns in organismal strategy across the landscape. I also aim to create and provide software solutions to predict patterns of invasiveness, rarity, and ecosystem function from a unique eco-evolutionary perspective.

From concept to publication, code, and application; I aim to provide new perspectives and real-world solutions to understanding and conserving natural systems

Interdisciplinary Research
Insights from geography, geology, molecular biology, statistics, data science, etc. allow for true interdisciplinary research in the natural sciences. I prioritize interagency, multicultural, and interdisciplinary perspectives in research, which means that I am able to approach old questions from uniquely new perspectives.
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